Psychiatrist in Canberra Australia-Dr. Sunita D’Souza
Following the initial assessment, the psychiatrist will provide you with information, and will make a recommendation about what treatment might be most helpful to you. This depends on the type of mental health issues you are experiencing, their severity, your preferences where possible and what you already know works best for you. Medication may be recommended depending on your treatment plan.
Psychiatrists are the leaders of multidisciplinary health teams, formulating and determining management plans for patients and their families. They work with members of the team to deliver treatment to the patient, including education, lifestyle advice, medication, social, occupational and psychological therapies. Adult psychiatrists may also work in a range of other roles, including other sub specialties.
Psychiatrist in Canberra Australia
Free Resources:
Try the free mindfulness Smiling mind app.
Practice daily meditation and mindfulness exercises from any device.
Smiling Mind is a unique tool developed by psychologists and educators to help bring balance to your life.
The best way for parents and caregivers to support children learn to be mindful is to model it by learning about and practising
mindfulness themselves. Parents and caregivers already have a huge amount on their plate, but the good news is that engaging
with mindfulness not only benefits children, it also supports parents’ and caregivers’ wellbeing, and the wellbeing of the family as a whole.
Tools and resources to make every home a mindful one!
At work, research shows that mindfulness can help staff take a preemptive approach to managing their mental health, stress and their emotions in the workplace.
What Is A DVA Mental Health Claim?
A DVA Mental Health claim is a claim made by a former ADF member for compensation regarding the treatment and rehabilitation of injuries or diseases linked to their time in service. These claims are intended to provide financial cover for the medical, hospital and associated allied health services linked with treating eligible veterans, their spouses and dependents.
How to add mental health cover to your White card?
What Is Permanent Impairment?
A permanent impairment essentially refers to a disabling injury, disease or illness that prohibits you from engaging in regular activities.
Should you have experienced a life-changing injury or contracted an illness or disease as a direct result of your service in the ADF you may be entitled to make a permanent impairment claim. Permanent impairment claims are processed by the Department Of Veterans Affairs and are the formal channel through which the ADF accept liability for your situation.
Please ask the DVA delegate to email the DVA PI form to the clinic addressed to Dr Sunita D’Souza.
Psychiatrist in Canberra Australia
Medicare Safety Net:
Medicare Safety Nets can help to lower your out of pocket medical costs for out of hospital services.
- seeing a doctor or specialist
- some tests and scans like blood tests and CT scans.
When you spend over a certain amount in a calendar year, Medicare will give you a higher amount back. Medicare will calculate the Safety Nets each calendar year, 1 January to 31 December.
Keep in mind, your doctor’s visit or test will still cost the same.
If you’re enrolled in Medicare, you’re eligible for Medicare Safety Nets. You can register for Medicare Safety Nets as a family or couple. You don’t need to register if you’re an individual with no dependants.
Psychiatrist in Canberra Australia